Many companies tend to create service area sections on their websites!
But What Is A Service Page?
And How Does It Affect Local SEO?
A recent study showed that nearly half of ALL Google searches are for local purposes (“Plumbers near me”, “Roofing contractors in Vancouver”, etc.).
People nowadays follow the trend to enhance their ranking on SERPs at a local level.
Different approaches and procedures to increase local SEO have been popping in and out of existence every few days.
One of the best methods for local search engine optimization is creating a page called “Service Page.”
So, What Is The Service Page?
One of the most powerful approaches for supporting local SEO is the use of service area pages on your company website.
Also recognized as “areas served” pages, service area pages (SAPs) are a combination that joins content marketing for SEO with landing pages.
How a prospect searches, service area pages can work as an alternative to your home-page.
With this excellent local SEO method, someone searching for your services in their area may find your corresponding SAP before seeing your home-page.
You can create SAPs for each city or town you work in and for neighborhoods.
The more of these pages you append to your site, the more significant the SEO increase you’re expected to get.
By the way, I will discuss everything you need to know in 4 simple essential techniques for optimizing your service page for local businesses.
Then I will discuss the essential tips to consider for your single page and your website.
But Before Going More In-Depth, What Is Local SEO?
It’s SEO, but for a local area, instead of ranking for the United States of America, you start by listing on Seattle, for example.
It’s a more powerful technique for small companies that are targeting the local costumers like (restaurants, delivery companies, etc..).
Google uses a user’s location depending on the I.P. address to decide which results to give the user, or if they intentionally add the city/area, like “Roofers in Seattle”. (“Local Search”)
When someone searches for a restaurant, bicycle store, or anything else, the search engine will display companies appropriate to their location.
Why Should I Create A Service Page For Local Businesses?
Because that is an excellent way to optimize your website for local SEO, and Here Is Why:
– Your local SEO isn’t powerful if you put everything into one page because search engines tend to see your brand as an authority on different pages. It will decrease your ranking chances.
– Creating a single page for a local business will increase the opportunity to appear in different search results.
– Grow your local sales because you will guarantee to be in search terms like (near me, nearby, close to).
– You have created a page with a local language to let the people understand you better and feel confident to ask for your products/services.
Now, Let’s Start With The Four Essential Techniques:
1) Write Your Area/City/State Name In Your Service Page:
The name should appear on the page headers (H1, H2, H3…).
Use different keywords in every page section and include the name of your local place, for example:
Best online store in Berlin.
Free Home Delivery for all the people inside Paris!
Order the Best Fast Food in New York to your home for free.
Update the title and the description and use your area name and your primary keyword.
2) Add Call To Action (C.T.A.) Buttons More Than Once In The Service Page:
The call-to-action button tells the website visitor what to do next, allowing them to take the suitable action you want them to do, for example:
You want the user to share your article on social media platforms.
You want more visits for a specific page on your website or downloading a book, App, etc.
Each piece of your content that needs a C.T.A. should have different phrase depending on what you want the user to do, and I will show you what I mean:
If you want them to visit the products/service page, you can add (learn more, shop now) phrase to the C.T.A. button, or for more shares on social media add (share now, share our post…), and so on.
3) Add Your N.A.P. To Your Service Page:
First, What Is N.A.P.:
N.A.P.: name, address, phone number.
Why Is It Essential To Add These Elements?
Adding these elements will increase the opportunity to get more calls, messages, store visits if it exists.
But don’t add them in a photo because google crawlers can’t read them this way so, I recommend adding them in the footer of your page as a button to let the visitor use them efficiently.
4) Write Local Content For Your Service Page:
For your local business, you don’t have to write for a broad audience.
Focus your writing skills on local topics to attract your country users.
You have to be aware of all the circumstances of the local people so, write about:
The latest news about your industry and how it affects your area, positions vacant, and so on.
Anyways, after mentioning the essential techniques about the Service Page for local business, let’s talk more about Optimizing Your Individual Page And Your Website For Local SEO:
Creating A Google My Business Account:
Google My Business account is excellent to let Google know your business better.
Fill all of your information in the account and start posting your offers and other kinds of posts.
Adding your name, phone number, and address will increase the visibility of your website for a local search like (near me, nearby).
Encourage people to add positive reviews for your work.
Optimize Your Page For Google Maps Search:
If you have a physical location for your store/office, add it to your site.
Optimize your google business account as I said before and add photos of your store or local area.
Add Schema Markup For Your Page:
By adding schema markup to your site, you are giving google all the information on your website using algorithms to let the search engines “Generally” understand you better.
Make Sure That Your Website Is Mobile-Friendly:
According to many studies and using common sense, you can find that most of the local search is coming from mobile phones.
Whether a website is challenging to crawl on a tinier device, won’t load all of its content for mobile users, or seems terrible on smartphones, having a website that doesn’t provide useful data to mobile users is awful.
For the 86% of small businesses that don’t have mobile-friendly websites. It reflects poorly on their brand, frustrates their clients, and can negatively affect their search ranking.
Engage On Social Media Platforms:
Google recognizes content shared on social media more now than ever before.
Now that you’ve created an excellent Google My Business page share it on social media.
Optimize your social media accounts by adding all of your information, especially your address.
Backlinks to your website are telling the search engines that others guarantee for your content.
If several sites link to the same page or website, search engines can understand that content is deserve linking to.
Also, worth surfacing on a SERP. So, gaining these backlinks can affect a site’s ranking position or search visibility.
All of the previous techniques will increase your website authority, which will affect your web page’s visibility.
As an ordinary result, you will get more clicks.
Creating a page for your local audience is a trendy idea that will increase your local cash and take you away from your competitors!
A single page for local businesses consists of several parts that help you address your local audience by higher rankings in search engines.
Now is the time to take advantage of local SEO services and promote your business before your competitors catch on the Local companies.
All industries can improve their business and make more cash through local SEO marketing.
What Are You Waiting For? Start Optimizing Now!
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