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For those businesses wanting to flourish better online, a drop in ranking can jeopardize the business triumphs. Google is a prominent platform for a website to gain relevant traffic. It is a place where a business’s website can rank ahead of the rest of all. This infographic of 200 factors will make you learn Google’s significant system for website ranking. The technology-driven era and the digital world will let you grow enough with some organic SEO tactics thereon.

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Digital marketing needs might demand extra, and businesses may fail in fulfilling them. What would be the result, then? A downfall in the online ranking of business? Loss of public image of the company? 

A well appealing content can make the most for ranking upscale. With it, one can lead on the first page of Google searches and have enough traffic. But no one likes and welcomes sudden downfall in the ranking. That’s why we have covered six reasons your ranking dropped and ways to fix them. You might find some not apparent reasons behind it, yet discover explicit ways to resolve them. With minor efforts to make an online presence ‘Google-like,’ you can retain the rank. Follow these reasons to cross-check with your rank drop and try to fix it ASAP.  

Reason 1 – Mismatching with Google Algorithms

There is a constant modification by Google in its algorithms tests. As a part of its improvising strategies, Google undergoes thousands of changes in its algorithms every year. Because of Google’s algorithms, you may have minor damage or a significant drop in the ranking. Alterations in Google algorithms can cause a site’s ranking change drastically. Out of all the times, your website rank has dropped, 33.3% times it is by Google algorithms. Multiple channel marketing strategies can save you from a sudden change. If Google is running algorithm tests, your ranking will restore promptly. If there are changes in other websites, you need to concern a bit.

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Check your SERP at the priority. If all other websites, including yours, change, you need not worry. The SERP stats will show the top 100 search ranking changes. When you analyze that there is an alteration only in yours and no competitor website moves, take corrective actions for SERP. 

Reason 2 – Victim Of Google Penalty

Technically, when your website content is not as per the marketing standards of Google, its ranking may fall, or the website might no longer be search-friendly. Your website rank may decrease in terms of the keywords search, and that’s how Google punishes you by enforcing a Google Penalty. Because of the Google penalty, your site becomes invisible to your target audience and revenues surge. 


Hardly 5% of websites submit a request to Google for reviewing its penalty. You can request Google to reconsider your older rankings after looking at its Algorithm updates and making changes to your websites accordingly. Use SEMrush tool to know whether your website is penalized, and take further actions.

Reason 3 – Losing Super Important Backlinks

11.1% chances of ranking low and why the site performs moderately is because of losing backlinks. For enhanced SEO of a website, ensure losing none of the backlinks. After the website builders prepare a robust piece of content, compromising backlinks may harm the purpose of SEO. Also, incorporating low-quality links could bring down the site’s ranking. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the site’s link profile, at least for the past 90 days. Failing to do so can slump the site performance drastically.


Use tools like Ahrefs, Moz, or Majestic to monitor the website’s backlinks. Based on the data provided by these tools, you can discover the lost links. You can also hire a link building agency to help you get back your original ranking.

Reason 4 – Unauthentic Content On Page

‘Content is King,’ a statement that matters the most in the digital marketing industry. Quality content not only builds a loyal audience but also compels Google to showcase your site at the top ranks. The readers will build trust for your brand if your content speaks. Outdated content can only cause a 5.6% ranking loss individually. Though not everyone can create quality content, they often lose the game of SEO.

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Keep your content crisp, to the point, and updated. If your content covers the trending topics, you have the potential customers in your hold forever. There is no need to create new content always. You can keep adding the updated information to the existing content and make it engaging. The more readability your content will have, people will be on your site for a longer time. Search engines will want to rank such people-engaging sites on top!

Reason 5 – Technical Glitches At Times

Unknowingly, there might be some technical issues with your website. Every time you update your site, remove or add some files, change the pages, there are chances of technical flaws. Overloaded server, page speed, and redirects are the three most responsible technical glitches to surge down your website. 22.2% times your website loses its previous rank, it is because of any one of these technical issues.


Make sure you make the website efficient in handling traffic overload. Adding a CDN, setting up a cloud host, or establishing a load balancer can help you here. Even you can cache your content for the same. The more images and files on your website affect page speed. It flounders the user experience. Using this URL inspection tool can help you overcome it. Not setting up 301 redirects may cause you to site penalty or charge of duplicating content. Take care of redirections on your site when setting a new server or restructuring the website. 

Reason 6 – Absence of User-friendly UI/UX

Often underrated, but a super important factor that causes site ranks to sink nearly by 5.6% overall. When your website isn’t well-designed and with an inferior user experience, it is likely to lose potential customers. When a website’s UI and UX don’t match the person’s expectation, they jump to the competitor’s site. The click-through rate, bounce rate, number of visits, time spent on your website, all depends on user experience. Without them, your site can’t upsell.

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Providing authentic metadata works to make users click on your site. An eye-catchy content formation is much needed to let users connect to your site. Natural landing from one page to another is what users seek. The pop-ups and notifications should not bother them much. Not using intricate designs and avoiding annoying visuals might help in user-friendly experience, and gradually, in better ranking. 


After knowing how to improvise the website ranking, you should implement these solutions immediately. Before your website rank slashes because of the above reasons, focus only on a well-structured SEO plan. 

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