Thought For the Day: Internet and Innovation should have no boundaries

When it comes to advertising, it isn’t always easy to know whether or not you are doing everything that you could be. Sure, you have put your Advertisement out there, but there’s no telling whether it will work.

Though you may have devoted time and money, creating the perfect Advertisement to show off your business, there is an uncertainty that it will bring in the leads and sales that you hope. It isn’t merely enough to create an advert and hope for the best, and you need to work hard to stay on track. It is where the four laws of advertising come in.

Stay on Track With the Four Laws of Advertising

Ensure Enough People Will See the Advertisement –

It doesn’t matter how good your advert is. It’s useless if it’s not going to be seen by enough people. If only a few people are going to see the advert, the most you can hope for is a handful of leads. It is unlikely to be enough for any business and probably won’t cover the cost of the advert itself. If enough people don’t see the advert, advertise it somewhere else. The more visible it is, the better. There’s nothing to stop you from advertising in multiple places.

Ensure the Right People see the Advertisement – 

A lot of businesses forget that though traditional adverts are printed (examples), there are several other useful ways to advertise. With so many people heading online to find products and services, your target audience can likely be found on the internet. It doesn’t matter how many people are seeing your advert; it’s not beneficial if these are the wrong people. Think about whether the right people see the advert and, if not, make some changes.

You have to consider Audience Targeting to improve engagement on the adverts. Audience segmentation is also an excellent approach to reaching the right audience.

Make Sure People Are Enquiring About the Business – 

If your Advertisement is bringing in a lot of inquiries, with around 5% of people showing interest, then continue with what you are doing as it is working. If not, you will need to think about making some changes here and there. You may need to alter the copy slightly or change an image. You may even need to think about appealing to another emotion. Also, if your target audience is seeing your advert, it’s useless unless it’s bringing in potential paying customers.

Make Sure People Are Doing Business With You – 

No matter how well do you advertise, but in the end, your business thrives on SALES.

Though it’s vital to get inquiries, these inquiries need to be converted into sales. After all, queries don’t make the business any money. If you notice that a lot of people are getting in touch but then are not converting into customers, you should think about changing your offer. It could be an indication that the prices are too high or the sales process is too complicated; there might be something minor that deterring them. There’s bound to be another business offering something similar, so you need to make sure that you stand out as being affordable and straightforward. 

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