Thought For the Day: Internet and Innovation should have no boundaries

2020 brings the new decade and with it comes content marketing trends that will change content creation for businesses.

Content marketing isn’t the only thing that is constantly evolving. The needs of your audience are constantly evolving and you would like to stay up with what they need so that you’ll still create and distribute effective and engaging content.

Related: Content Marketing Tips for Startup

Check out these five content marketing trends you would like to understand for 2020.

1. Video and live-streaming

Video and live-streaming became huge recently because of popular platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Facebook live and Twitch — and it’s only getting to get bigger in 2020. A lot of consumers want to ascertain more video content from a brand or business they support. So, if you would like your content marketing to attach and have interaction with your audience in 2020, you would like to start out incorporating more videos.

It is not just limited to social media channels like YouTube, Twitch, and TikTok. Video does extremely well on a variety of various platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and even on your website. One of the simplest ways to undertake out the live-streaming trend is with Facebook Live and Instagram Live; your business can hold a live Q&A as an example, to interact in real-time with your audience.

2. Optimizing content for voice search

With smartphones and AI-powered assistants like Alexa and Siri in our lives, the utilization of voice search is skyrocketing. Canalys reports that the worldwide marketplace for voice search devices grew 187 percent in Q2 of 2018, with shipments reaching 16.8 million units.

This means more and more people are searching online using their voice, rather than typing during a query. And the text we type into Google search is different than how we might speak to a digital assistant; rather than typing “weather las vegas”, we might ask “What’s the weather in Las Vegas today?”

Because of this, you would like to optimize your content for voice search. Content marketers need to concentrate on anticipating the questions their audience would invite a conversational manner and make content supported those conversational questions and longtail keywords.

3. AR(Augmented Reality)powered visuals

Users love augmented reality (AR) filters and lenses offered up by platforms like Snapchat; users can give themselves a puppy dog nose, tongue, and ears or place an inexpensive flower crown on top of their head — all via augmented reality. And there are plenty more AR filters and lenses users can fiddle with to make fun of visual content.

And did you recognize that Snapchat gives you the power to make your filters and lenses? This means that you simply can create branded filters and lenses to market your business to social media users.

Taco Bell launched its own branded lens on Snapchat, and it had been viewed 224 million times, making it the highest campaign within the app’s history. You should expect more AR-powered visuals like this in 2020.

4. Word of Mouth/Conversational marketing

More and more businesses are realizing that the fastest thanks to moving buyers through their marketing funnels are with one-on-one conversations. That’s why conversational marketing is going to be a notable trend in 2020.

When you can have one-on-one, personal conversations alongside your audience, you not only create a more human buying experience, but you’ll learn tons about your audience, which can assist you to create more relevant content and marketing messages within the future.

Conversational Marketing has many types including email marketing, live customer support, customer success programs, Facebook Messenger marketing, chatbots and more. And with advances in AI, chatbots are only getting to recover at having life-like conversations with users.

So, if you would like to stay up with the competition and learn more about your target customers faster, you would like to intensify your conversational marketing game in 2020.

5. Dynamic content delivery.

By now you almost certainly have heard plenty about the importance of personalization. Today, consumers expect to receive emails and offers personalized to their specific needs. In fact, consistent with statistics from Instapage, 54 percent of shoppers anticipate a customized discount within each day of sharing their information with a retailer.

But in 2020, consumers want next-level personalization. Enter dynamic content. Dynamic content, also referred to as adaptive content, refers to a web page that changes supported the user’s demographics, behaviors, preferences, and interests. For instance, the content on a webpage can change supported the weather of the situation the user is in, like within the example below.

With personalization, you’re able to deliver content to users that are relevant and interesting to them. But with dynamic content, you’ll also provide them with the precise content which will encourage them to require subsequent step within the buying process.
You should Keep an eye on these trends in 2020


Now that you’re conscious of these important content marketing trends for 2020, you’ll start arising with an idea for a way to implement them into your content marketing strategy. Start planning for these trends before time, and you’ll be leaps and bounds before the competition.

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By Andy Hudson

Andy Hudson is a digital marketing enthusiast. His work is featured on many reputed magazines and often associated with digital marketing and social media. He also has a handsome experience in SEO and internet marketing.

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