Thought For the Day: Internet and Innovation should have no boundaries
content marketing tips

“Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

Content Marketing Institute

In simple terms, content marketing can be defined as the marketing approach in which you use content to promote your products and services.

Interesting fact: In some cases, where you are not selling any product or service your product is your content.

Here we are discussing some content marketing strategies and tips that can be quite handy for startups in making their overall marketing strategy:

1. Know your Audience

Before proceeding with the implementation of content marketing, you should know your audience. Let’s take an example where your product is for parents then you should create content that how your product caters to their need. If you are distributing your content to an irrelevant audience, say students your content will lose value. Moreover, it will not perform, because of the lack of interest due to the wrong targeting.

2. Update the content regularly

It is an effective content marketing practice to update content regularly.

Content changes with time, so you should be serious about updating otherwise, ensure that you take an ideal opportunity to idealize everything about the blog entries and web articles you make. Fortunately, there are different methodologies one can utilize, including literary components that make your substance simple to examine. 

By far, most people don’t read the content thoroughly and may rapidly skim it to discover the data they need. A portion of the printed components you ought to routinely incorporate into your substance to organize it accurately include:

  • One thought for each section.
  •  Bullets.
  •  Numbered records.
  •  Call to activity.
  •  Subheaders.

3. Put resources into Professional Video Production Services

It is a well-known concept that whatever we see, we can remember easily. Therefore sharing content through video channels like YouTube, Instagram, Vimeo, Twitch, Dailymotion, TikTok, etc. could be very handy. As a rule, enlisting experts to deal with it is an incredible thought. An expert, video generation organization, can typically offer different enhancement benefits, some of which include:

4. Fabricate Brand Ambassadors and Social Sharers

The best type of showcasing includes clients getting fulfilled to do it for you. 

One straightforward approach to letting it go is by setting share buttons on the pages where your blog entries and web articles show up and at the point when your website visitors get exciting and relevant content, they’ll be sharing it with various social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Reddit, Pinterest, etc. Hence your content, services, and product will get a better reach and engagement and improve your ROI(Return on investment).

5. Incorporate Infographics

Notwithstanding utilizing Share Buttons, consider the benefit of incorporating infographics in your substance. This technique is viable in the light of the fact that it upgrades the visual claim of your content. Moreover, infographics empower you to incorporate a considerable measure of data in a pie outline or reference chart design that can be used rapidly.

6. Discover your content marketing strategy

In this digital era, nothing remains static. I started writing this article a long time ago, a lot of things have changed including the use of Generative AI in content production. Therefore one should keep learning new techniques and tricks and discover which approach works best for your business. Learn from the case studies that worked for brands and implement.

7. Involve with the analytics

Analytics shows us how content is performing and the traffic it’s receiving. If it’s getting less traffic, you need to modify your content marketing strategy. Please ensure It’s not only about the traffic, but you should focus on attracting the right traffic, that is relevant to your business. There are a lot of ways to get a detailed analysis report:

  • Hire a digital marketing agency and ask them to prepare a customized analytics report.
    • Use Analytics software services such as Google Analytics
    • Facebook Analytics
    • Twitter Analytics
    • LinkedIn Analytics
  • Use third-party software such as Hootsuite, sprout social, buffer, social oomph, etc. These all are involved in providing accurate analytics reports. Moreover, some of them have a free trial and are even available free of cost.

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By Ankit Chauhan

Ankit Chauhan  is a software engineer by education. He is the Founder, Author and Content Strategist at Digipro Marketers. He is currently into digital marketing services. He is a Vskills Certified Digital Marketing Master and also holds a B.Tech degree in Information Technology. He is into digital marketing from the past 6 years.

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