Thought For the Day: Internet and Innovation should have no boundaries
email marketing practices

Email marketing is still one of the most powerful tools in a marketer’s arsenal. Despite all the newfangled social media platforms and advertising channels, email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to reach out to potential customers. It allows you to reach customers directly and can be a great way to generate leads. It has been around for a long time and it is still going strong! Why? Because email marketing works! Follow these tips in order to maximise your email marketing efforts.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a method of marketing that uses email to promote products or services. It can be used to build relationships with potential customers or clients, and it can be a great way to generate leads. Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach out to potential customers, despite all the newfangled social media platforms and advertising channels

Why Include Email Marketing in Your Strategy?

Email marketing should be included in your marketing strategy because it is still a powerful tool for businesses. It allows you to reach customers directly and can be a great way to generate leads. email marketing has been around for a long time and it is still going strong! Why? Because email marketing works!

What Are the Benefits of Email Marketing?

The benefits of email marketing include the ability to reach a large audience with little effort, fostering relationships with customers or clients, and generating leads. email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach out to potential customers, despite all the newfangled social media platforms and advertising channels. 

What Are the Best Practices of Email Marketing?

Some best practices of email marketing include building a list of subscribers, segmenting your list, personalizing your emails, creating valuable content, and using an email service provider. Let’s look at all the best practices to generate leads and elaborate on them!

Building a list of subscribers:

In order to email market, you need a list of email addresses to which you can send your marketing messages. This list should be made up of people who have opted-in to receive email communications from you. You can grow your list organically by having people sign up on your website or through social media platforms. You can also purchase lists of email addresses from reputable vendors. So building lists, is very a very significant task.

Segmenting your list:

Once you have built a list of email subscribers, it is important to segment them into different groups so that you can send more targeted email communications. Segmenting your list will allow you to send more personalized and relevant emails that are more likely to be opened and clicked on. 

Personalizing your emails:

One of the best ways to get people to open and click-through your email is to personalize the email. Personalized emails are more likely to be opened and clicked on than generic emails. You can personalize your email by including the person’s name in the subject line or in the body of the email. 

Creating valuable content:

The content of your email should be valuable to your subscribers. It should provide them with information that they are interested in or that they need. The content of your email should also be well-written and free of errors. 

Using an email service provider:

An email service provider (ESP) is a company that provides email marketing services. Email service providers can help you manage your list of email subscribers, segment your list, personalize your email, and create valuable content. They can also provide you with reports on the performance of your email campaigns. 

Create Automated Campaigns:

Automated email campaigns are email campaigns that are set up in advance and sent automatically to your subscribers. Automated email campaigns can be a great way to nurture your leads and turn them into customers. 

Don’t tell the audience where to go, take them there through landing pages:

A landing page is a web page that is designed to capture lead information. Landing pages usually have a form that allows visitors to sign up for email communications or download a white paper or e-book. 

Include a call-to-action:

A call-to-action (CTA) is an instruction to the reader to take a specific action, such as signing up for email communications or downloading a white paper. Your CTA should be clear and concise! The call to action (CTA) is what stimulates your consumer to act on his emotions and take action in the direction that you want. The CTA button must be readily visible, difficult to ignore, and enticing to click on. It should elicit a desire in your viewer to click it as soon as they see it.

Featured Image Credits: Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

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By Livia Neisat

Livia Neistat, a software developer with 6 years of experience in the industry working with Fortune 500 Companies.

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