Thought For the Day: Internet and Innovation should have no boundaries
seo friendly blog posts

Do you want to write SEO friendly blog posts for your website?

But you’re a beginner and you’re not sure how to write blog posts that are SEO optimised?

Don’t worry, you’ve arrived at the right spot. I have put together the most simplest, practical and beginner friendly blog post for you on how you can write SEO friendly blog posts that Google will love.

In this article, I will be covering step-by-step how to write SEO friendly blog posts, how to find blog topics for beginners and a free SEO friendly content checker to help you out.

Step-by-step guide on how to write SEO friendly blog posts for beginners

  1. Understand your audience 
  2. Do Keyword research for your blog post 
  3. Optimise your blog post for SEO

Understand your audience

Here’s the thing. Search engines are designed to give people the information they’re looking for. So, understanding the search intent is extremely important. 

Take this blog topic for example – “How to write SEO friendly blog posts.”

Now, most people searching for this topic are probably new to SEO and blogging. So, the article shouldn’t be too advanced for them. If I go on to talk about schema markups, what do you think would happen?

All the readers would bounce off. 


Because it’s too advanced for them.

This is why it’s crucial to understand your audience to write SEO friendly blog posts. 

Ask yourself these questions:

Who is my audience?

  • What does my audience search for on Google?
  • What does my audience struggle with?
  • What kind of search terms (keywords) they’d be using? 
  • What kind of articles do they like to read? 

Keyword Research for Beginners 

Once you’re done brainstorming a few keyword ideas, jot them down. 

For example, let’s say you’ve a keyword idea which is “cat food.” Now, we have to refine this keyword.

Go on Google Keyword Planner. Sign up and click on “Discover new keyword ideas” 

Example of finding keyword ideas using Google Keyword Planner

A new window would pop up that looks something like this:

It's an image of Google Keyword Planner's interface that comes up when searching keyword ideas

Type in your keyword idea, choose a location and hit “Get Results” 

In our case, it was “cat food.”

Example of Google Keyword Planner showing low competitive keyword ideas

Now, as you can see Google Keyword Planner will show you various SEO metrics like search volume, competition, Cost per Click, and other keyword ideas.

Do not get overwhelmed with all this data. I will make it super easy for you.

Look for keywords that have some sort of search volume and the competition is low. 

 In our case, that low competitive keyword is “homemade cat food”

Now you can choose to use this keyword idea or refine it more. To refine it further, just put your keyword in the search box again and hit “get results”

In our case, the keyword was “homemade cat food”

Example of refining your keyword idea. It's a screenshot of Google Keyword Planner showing low competitive keyword ideas

Now we have got a more specific keyword which is “best homemade food for persian cats”

I will copy that keyword and go on KW Finder. 

Sign up and paste my keyword idea within KW Finder.

It will show me all the related keywords and a score for keyword difficulty. (How easy or difficult it is to rank for that term. The bigger the number the higher the difficulty)

Image of KW Finder tool showing keyword metrics like keyword difficulty, CPC, search volume

Now within KW Finder look for keywords that have low to medium competition. Copy some of the ones you think are useful.

These are the keywords you need to use within your blog post.

One more thing you can do is, go on Google, type in your long-tail keyword idea and hit search. Scroll down and Google will show you a snippet called “People also ask for.” Note down some of these questions and try to answer them within your blog post.

For example, our keyword idea was “best homemade food for Persian cats.” Now as you can see the snippet shows that people are also searching for “is homemade food better for cats?” 

Now, what I will do is, I will write a SEO friendly blog post on Best Homemade Food for Persian Cats but, I will also talk about if homemade food is better for cats. 

Why? Because people also want to know about it and both of those searches are related to each other as well. It’s simple, give people the answers they’re looking for.

Optimising Your Blog Post for SEO

Alright, so now you’re done with keyword research and you know who you’re writing for. Great, now it’s time to write the article itself.

To write a SEO friendly blog post, you need to optimise it well.

Here are a few things to always keep in mind while and after writing the article:

  • Before writing your article, form a basic layout (Intro, headings – subheadings, conclusion)
  • Keep your introduction brief
  • Include your main keyword within the first 100 words of your blog post. Read this simple article to understand the key elements of SEO that you need to get right.
  • Include your main keyword within the Title tag, meta description and if possible, headings too.
  • Keep your main keyword density around 1-2% which means your main keyword appears at least 1 to 2 times per 100 words throughout your entire blog post
  • Use power words like amazing, awesome, best, free or numbers within your Title to make it catchy enough to get clicks
  • If you’re using images, make sure you give them the right Alt Texts 
  • Best to include your main keyword term within your blog URL and in your H1 heading
  • Focus on long-tail keywords
  • Keep your title below 60 characters and meta description below 155

If you follow all the steps and tips mentioned above, not only would you be able to write a SEO friendly blog post but also you will notice that your rankings will improve.

Free SEO Friendly Content Checker Tool

But what if you still want to confirm if your blog post is really Seo friendly or not?

Well, I have also found a free tool that will give you a score for your on-page SEO optimization of your blog post.

The tool is called SEO Content Editor 2.2 by SEO Review Tools 

Just copy and paste your blog post and the tool gives you a score and even tells you what are the things you can do to improve your SEO optimization.

That’s all for now. I hope this blog post helped you understand how as a beginner you can write SEO friendly blog posts. 

Let me know if you’ve any doubts or feedback to share. I am open to both! 🙂

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By Vrushali Sawant

Vrushali is a content writer at Ginger Media Group. She is passionate about marketing, content writing and copywriting. Writing helpful, actionable content excites her the most. When not working, she loves going for long walks.

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