Thought For the Day: Internet and Innovation should have no boundaries
earn through blogging

A lot of people says that you can’t earn money through blogging while very few say the exact opposite. This article has a personal touch and please let me introduce myself. I am Ankit Chauhan the man behind this beautiful blog. I say it beautiful because I have put a lot of efforts in developing it.

While I am on the journey to have a successful blog(in terms of revenue) I am sharing some of the best strategies most successful bloggers have used and trust me they are earning in millions.

1. Create a blog in the niche you are an expert

People are often confused in deciding the niche of their blog. For eg take my own example I am in the digital marketing domain from the last 2 years and hardly have any knowledge about Fashion. So it’s clear I will not start my Fashion blog because neither I am an expert nor I have any passion for the fashion industry.

So choose wisely and start your blog in the niche you are an expert or passionate.

2.Choose a Sexy theme for your blog

Gone are the days when people were using a simple theme for their blog which was mainly built in HTML and CSS. Those themes were not responsive ie they were unable to adapt according to the screen size of various devices such as laptops, tablets, smartphones etc.

Nowadays themes are becoming elegant and are often responsive in nature. They use Jquery(Javascript Query) libraries and have nice animation too. You don’t have to hire a website developer just buy them and your blog will look a professional one. Remember to do a research what other bloggers are using and decide your theme accordingly.

3.Create Content like a superhuman or a robot

A robot is able to perform a task without tiring up and does not stop. The point I want to explain is that you have to write like a superhuman without stopping. Blogging is not only an art it’s also a science and if you have enough content on your blog then only you can plan to rank that content.

Enough content will ensure you have more keywords and there is a probability that search engine returns your blog page for a relevant search query user search.

4. Include Sharing Buttons on your blog Posts

Blogging is a game of traffic and you will have a good traffic on your website only if you ensure that you have added sharing buttons on your blog post. By adding sharing buttons to your post there is a Chance are that your post is shared and could be viral too.

One of the interesting facts is that Search Engine like Google also favours the post i.e viral and is good from the SEO perspective.

So make sure that you have social sharing buttons in your post.

5. SEO(Search Engine Optimization)

You can’t ignore SEO if you want to earn through blogging. SEO is a very vital technique to rank your blog organically. According to the analysis done on my own blog, I acquire near about 1080 New Users Per month through Organic Search which is mainly from SEO.

You can also use SEO tools like SEMrush, SEOProfiler, Rankwatch to improve SEO for your blog.

6. Use the Power of Networking

A good online network plays a major role in inbound marketing strategy in 2018. All companies are running towards increasing their online network so that they can promote their product or services over that network. Social Media channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest can be used to build your online network.

It’s additionally critical that online networking doesn’t simply mean tweeting a couple of times each month. An awesome online networking methodology should likewise incorporate incredible substance, regardless of whether it’s recordings, blog entries, or other curated content.

7. Use multiple Ad Networks to increase revenue

Most of the newbie bloggers rely only on Adsense to monetize their blog but it’s not a good idea. There are a lot of Ad Networks which are equally good as Adsense and should be used along with AdSense.

Multiple ad networks increase competition for your ad space and provide better CPM and CPC returns.

According to some of the good alternatives to Adsense are:

  • Media.Net
  • Infolinks
  • Chitika
  • Kontera
  • MadAds Media
  • ClickSor
  • Qadabra
  • Buy Sell Ads

8. Affiliate Marketing

A lot of new bloggers are unaware of the term affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is the technique in which you earn commission by promoting your affiliate links. If you have no product and service the best option is to promote products and services of other brands and earn a commission.

The best strategy to do affiliate marketing is writing a blog post about the product and promote it on social media.

You can also promote your affiliate product by running an ad campaign on google, bing, facebook network. But do remember to check your ROI(Return On Investment)  while running an ad campaign.

 To be continued…..




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By Ankit Chauhan

Ankit Chauhan  is a software engineer by education. He is the Founder, Author and Content Strategist at Digipro Marketers. He is currently into digital marketing services. He is a Vskills Certified Digital Marketing Master and also holds a B.Tech degree in Information Technology. He is into digital marketing from the past 6 years.

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