Thought For the Day: Internet and Innovation should have no boundaries

You think you are running your business pretty smoothly, but have you ever considered whether those email newsletters are hurting your business or not?

It is because 52% of recipients will automatically disestablish from the newsletters that do not seem appealing.

It means you can never afford to abandon your email newsletter design. You have to get every visitor to engage & click as only then you can ensure better sales. 

Navigate these amazing newsletters design tips by following the points below:

Pick the most exceptional sender name –

The best email newsletter design tip that you can follow is to select a perfect sender name before sending emails to subscribers. 45% of individuals will always check the sender’s name before opening emails. 

If your brand is a reputed one, you can choose to use just the brand name as the name of the sender. You can even opt for the personal approach & incorporate the name of an authentic individual. 

Let us understand it even more clearly from some newsletters design examples. If you are signing up for the OptinMonster newsletter, there will be emails sent to you every week that will speak of marketing updates & tips regarding OptinMonster products. In the emails, you will find the sender’s name as “Patricia from OptinMonster.”

Along with this, you must utilize a valid email address and not a speech that says, “no-reply.” These subscribers will be able to respond to the emails that will be very effective for future email deliverability. 

Brand the emails 

When it comes to your email newsletter, you will automatically incorporate your logo and use the similar photo you usually utilize across social media. It will not only help users in recognizing you but will boost trust and engagement. In your newsletter design email, you must not switch the design templates very frequently as subscribers always look for consistency. 

Here is one newsletter design example that you can use to your benefit. Ryan Sharma is an Analytics expert. In his emails for his subscribers, he uses a header & a single column template that incorporates his name and the newsletter’s name. Brands can also use the graphic of their homepage as the header image.

Focus on images

As per some research, 2/3rd of subscribers like emails with images, but then again, 45% of individuals disable images. So when thinking about how to newsletter design, working out the correct balance of pictures is essential. You genuinely need to deem whether a background representation is obligatory for your specific email newsletter or not. 

The example over here is from Affinity Designer. There is an image present with a 30% discount sticker, but this particular information again repeats in the text. It becomes beneficial as those who did not witness the picture will also know what the offer was. 

However, readers can connect more with your email content with the help of images. Hence while using icons, you must pick the attractive ones that are clear and crisp. 

Utilize the correct email template 

How can you ensure that your specific email newsletter seems appealing inside the inbox? You can actually with the help of a sound newsletter design template. As per various studies, the width of the email must be 600px. Professional service providers such as Sendinblue & Constant Contact are equipped with email newsletters design templates with this particular width. 

On top of this, you need to check whether the email looks fantastic on mobile or not. It is crucial to opt for responsive newsletter design templates that carry the capacity of resizing text & images as per the screen while on display. 

Lastly, you must be able to edit the newsletters design template that you choose easily. You need to make it suitable for your content and branding. It becomes even more comfortable if you get hands-on first-rate email marketing services. 

An appealing subject line matters 

Thinking about how to witness success for all the email marketing campaigns? Subject lines are the answer to your question. Around 50% of email users will open mails depending on subject lines.

At the same time, approximately 72% of users will report email as spam just by depending on the subject line. Get hands-on clickable subject lines by following these tips:

  • Utilizing emojis in subject lines can enhance open rates by 50%. Being creative is the key
  • Subscribers can feel bored quite easily. It is recommended to put in a diversity of subject lines for keeping subscribers engaged
  • Users check mails on Smartphones more than desktop or webmail. You can use free tools for ensuring that the preheader and subject lines look eye-catching across all mobile devices

Make straightforward font choices 

In your email newsletters design, the most daunting aspect that you will find is picking the fonts. There are many fantastic font and not-so-amazing fonts as well. But for getting by, you only require just a few. Fonts like Adobe Garamond, Baskerville, and Gill Sans, Bodoni can be used for Print while Arial, Georgia, Tahoma are fonts for Web.

It is essential to understand the difference between Print vs. Web. Some fonts do not seem appealing in pixels, even if these look good on the website user’s screen. Similarly, fonts that are designed for display never seem attractive in print. One tip that you must follow is using 14 pixels for the body and 22 pixels for the heading. By this, you can engineer a sufficient contrast. 

Wrapping it up

Email marketing can fabricate & strengthen brand awareness, but you also want the subscribers to engage in some type of action. If you have employed a fundamentally robust newsletter design by utilizing the methods covered in the content, then the chances of readers quickly identifying your CTA is more.

If you want professional assistance for enhancing customer engagement, even more, get in touch with our newsletter design experts. 


80% of business advertising emails do not implement a CTA button. Ensure that your emails carry a unique CTA. 


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By Manan Ghadawala

Manan Ghadawala is the founder of 21Twelve Interactive which is one of the best mobile app development company in India and the USA. He is an idealistic leader with a lively management style and thrives raising the company’s growth with his talents. He is an astounding business professional with astonishing knowledge and applies artful tactics to reach those imaginary skies for his clients. His company is also recognized by the Top Mobile App Development Companies.

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