Thought For the Day: Internet and Innovation should have no boundaries
Scale your starup using social media marketing

Before diving deep let’s understand what is social media marketing.

Social media marketing refers to the practise of using social media in your marketing processes.

Starting on your own is not an easy decision. You have to make an effort in the right direction to scale your blog. I started the Digipro Marketers blog and bootstrapped it without any funding but soon realized that I made a mistake because funds manage every sector of your business.

Earlier I tried to focus only on blogging, but I failed to generate much revenue, probably because you need a sales and marketing team for your business. While I was busy developing the blog I realized one cannot be the master of all trades.

Here is the sure-shot formula for scaling your business( Tried and Tested) using social media.

As an influencer, you should have a decent number of followers. Then you have an opportunity to support your products and services whether you are dealing with a tight spending plan or limited labor force. Regardless of whether you are a bootstrapped business or startup, there are approaches to scale your income by actualizing the correct practices without migraine.

How I generated my social media followers?


Image-credits: LinkedIn & Pixabay

In earlier days, LinkedIn was not having any limit on sending connection requests. As a result, people who leveraged that opportunity increased their connections massively.

After my regular job, whenever I had spare time, I utilize it in sending requests, and luckily, they were accepted. As a result, I have seen a lot of people who grew their profiles and made connections. At that period, influencer marketing was at its peak, and the people at my workplace wish to be an influencer marketers.

I have generated many connections during that time, helped the Corporate team at my previous company, and used my LinkedIn connections for their marketing campaign. However, the conversion rate was not high.


Image-credits: Twitter & Pixabay

On Twitter, if you are following the right persons that are relevant to your industry then you can increase your Twitter followers count.

A lot of people use social media marketing tools like Followerwonk, Buffer, Sprout Social, etc. and each one of them has unique properties. But it’s not magic and there is no secret formula. All you need is to find the relevant people in your industry and have patience.

To begin executing positive changes, investigate inventive approaches to expand your company or startup.


Image-credit: Facebook & Pixabay

Facebook is a very popular social media platform despite having some privacy issues earlier. Facebook is now much secure and gives you a lot of privacy options. The latest feature is profile lock which restricts public access to your profile. On Facebook, it’s not easy to gain followers for your page. But here I am giving you some tips to gain likes and followers for your Facebook page.

  • Start your Facebook page
  • Write a complete description including the products and services you offer
  • Add relevant audience to your page by running a Facebook campaign
  • Add a WhatsApp button at the call to action if you need inquiries directly at your WhatsApp messenger


On Instagram, I am not an Instagram expert still, I would discuss some standard practices to grow your followers.

  • Instagram is owned and managed by Facebook, which makes it easier to get initial followers.
  • Use proper hashtags so that your content reaches the right audience.
  • Post regularly ( Posting at regular intervals increases the chance to gain organic followers
  • Do not buy Instagram followers because they are mostly fake and will mess up your social media network

After growing a decent number of connections you should follow these steps to build your business.

What Next??

Begin Outsourcing

When you are a startup and you are not having much resources you should begin outsourcing your business processes. Outsourcing will be cheaper initially as opposed to making infrastructure.

Recruiting consultants or B2B specialists permit you to enhance your labor force and access the expert abilities you need.

Also you should distribute your startup story to attract new visitors and turn them into your customers.

Inspire Staff

Regardless of whether you are depending on in-house staff or subcontractors to maintain your business, staff must stay persuaded. An absence of inspiration truly hampers proficiency and efficiency. At the point when you boost motivation of your staff, you will be compensated with expanded productivity levels, ideal yields, and more likely friends.

Just as boosting laborers with serious wages, make certain to express gratitude toward them for their info, accept their criticism, and offer them the chance to propel their professions.

Smooth out Customer Acquisition

Acquiring new clients is not easy but it can be achieved if you are following right paths. Any false promises or guarantee which you cannot deliver will hamper you customer acquisition in a long run.

By smoothing out the user experience, you can decrease your expenses and develop your business. You can investigate how simple it very well may be to obtain new clients when you break new ground. Growing your intended interest group and expanding your customer base additionally gives you business added insurance and shields against an abrupt loss of pay.

Deal with Your Time

Time is a significant issue for most private companies. The clients and customers are very choosy and they look out for best products and services.

At the point when you just have a little labor force, they have to contribute and make an attempt to complete the task that are actually outside their comfort zone. By utilizing time the executive’s methodologies and programming, you can guarantee that employees are focused on properly and that everybody utilizes the time they have accessible.

Review your cycles

At the point when you are accustomed to getting things done with a specific goal in mind, it’s not difficult to stay with business as usual. Nonetheless, your current in-house cycles may not be the most effective method of getting things done. By leading customary reviews, you can figure out which cycles are superfluously tedious or inefficient. Following this, you’ll know what you need to make to turn out to be more proficient.

Use AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Artificial Intelligence is changing the business scene and putting small ventures on a standard with significant players. At the point when you automate business processes, you depend less on your human labor force. Also you can guarantee your staff invests their energy on the tasks while leaving tedious or tedious assignments to PCs and machines.

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By Ankit Chauhan

Ankit Chauhan  is a software engineer by education. He is the Founder, Author and Content Strategist at Digipro Marketers. He is currently into digital marketing services. He is a Vskills Certified Digital Marketing Master and also holds a B.Tech degree in Information Technology. He is into digital marketing from the past 6 years.

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