Thought For the Day: Internet and Innovation should have no boundaries

We all tend to buy from the brands we trust. We rarely go towards the brands which are new in the market until they have something unique to offer us. Like for an instance if you have to buy a web hosting service whom would you trust? A person who just started his blog or some professional from similar industry who doesn’t promote a product rather shares his personal experience after testing the service.

We also know there are other great hosting affiliates out there but Finding and enrolling in
one of the best reseller web hosting affiliate programs to promote them, it is the best way to
earn a huge commission rate.

Joining a credible affiliate network and promoting products from a credible source makes your content all the more relevant to the potential audience. Finding yourself a reliable affiliate program can help you find high-quality affiliate products which can earn you high commissions. You’ll be surprised to know that 83% of businesses prefer to recruit affiliates for their product or service using affiliate networks.

Advertisers prefer affiliate networks because they manage everything on their own. Whereas marketers prefer them because of ease of availability, the range of products and credibility. There are several affiliate networks, some are known for their high commissions and some for their poor policies and support.

Amazon Associates:

Amazon being the world’s largest e-commerce platform offers the biggest affiliate network named Amazon Associate. It has almost 1 million affiliates registered. Affiliate marketers would prefer Amazon over other platforms because of its strong market base. Amazon is a one-stop shop and you can find everything available on this mighty platform. There are numerous products on Amazon to choose from. Amazon is the best choice for any affiliate as it sells anything you name, no matter from which niche you belong you’ll find something relevant to it on Amazon.

Pros of Amazon:

  • Unlimited product categories
  • Easy to get started with it
  • High conversion rate
  • Masses trust Amazon for its service
  • You not only get a commission for promoting the product but also for every sale happened through your referral
  • Amazon booms on holidays


  • It has a one-day cookie policy
  • Terms and conditions are slightly difficult to understand
  • Commission rates are low for most of the categories
  • Very strict policies and sites frequently get banned for minor violations

DomainRacer Web Hosting

DomainRacer is one of the most popular and highest paying web hosting affiliate programs
which also pays really good commissions to all its web hosting affiliate promoters. They’re
known for their reliability and affordability. It is quite easy to promote a web
hosting and also getting huge hosting affiliate recurring commissions, this is a great choice.

Pros of DomainRacer Web Hosting:

  • You will get up to 70% per sale of higher commissions.
  • Increase commission leads on slab based 
  • On request payout payment policy
  • Request a payout once the account reaches $100.00
  • Opportunity to earn $2500+ Credit Bonus based on leads
  • Many built-in features like free Let’s Encrypt SSL + Cloudflare
  • Highest conversion rate with 13.11% (May 2020)


Must climb tiers to get higher commissions
Offer affiliate commission only on shared web hosting services


Jet- is a new eCommerce site but is rapidly growing. It started back in 2015 and gained success in a very short time span because of its remarkably low prices and diversity of product range which is quite similar to the Amazon. Their USP is a real-time pricing algorithm which makes sure that consumers get the cheapest prices possible. Jet’s commission rates are relatively low as compared to Amazon but this growing eCommerce platform is making his way up with every passing day.

Pros of Jet:

  • It is the best alternative to Amazon
  • Offer better commission rates than Amazon in few categories
  • Rapidly growing eCommerce platform


  • Jet is in growing phase and buyers aren’t aware of it that is why they are hesitant in buying from them.
  • As product prices on the platform are relatively low, which clearly implies that commissions will be low too. Depends on the choice of product.
  • Commission rate is 2.5% for most of the categories which are quite low. Like if you are promoting Cox pay by phone deals you may get higher commission than usual products or services in the list.
  • Not much of success affiliate stories are affiliated with Jet right now. But people are earning from it.


FlexOffers is a giant platform which connects avertisers with bloggers, publishers and content marketers. They offer 12000 plus affiliate programs which are carefully categorized to make the search easier.

FlexOffers also have their own affiliate program with which one can make himself 50% commission against every sale through his referral link. It also offers a devoted association manager to assist you with all your queries and issues. FlexOffers also help you in finding high quality affiliate programs through their advertiser’s search.

Pros of FlexOffers:

  • Instant approval
  • Gathers thousands of amazing advertisers at one platform
  • Provision of a dedicated relationship manager
  • 50% commission sharing through FlexRev


  • PayPal facility is only available for international advertisers


ShareASale is also a major platform with up to 4000 advertisers. It is a known affiliate platform and is around for quite some time now. A few programs available on the platform also pay commission up to 80% whereas majority of the programs pay between 5% to 20% commission. The platform has divided affiliate programs into 40 categories. Find yourself bestselling affiliate programs in “Popular Merchants category”

Pros of ShareASale:

  • One of the stalest and trustable affiliate platform
  • Quite wide assortment of merchants
  • Many Affiliate programs are only limited to ShareASale and offer better commissions here
  • Several sub-niches
  • Also offers two-tier commissions to some advertisers


  • The interface isn’t user-friendly
  • Confusing UI makes it difficult to contact different merchants

Commission Junction:

This affiliate network is around since 1998 and gathers up 3500+ prominent advertisers on one platform. Every category contains hundreds of advertisers and brands. If you’re a newbie to affiliate marketing then this is a great place to get started with. It doesn’t require any registration fee. Niche bloggers, Content marketers, and others would find a wide variety of digital and physical products to promote and earn commission from.

Commission Junction just doesn’t make the advertiser search easier for affiliates but also provide advertisers with useful data to find themselves the best affiliate.

Pros of Commission Junction:

  • Reliable and credible Affiliate network
  • Most of the leading advertisers have confidence in CJ
  • CJ Performer program help in uplift the performing affiliates
  • The platform specifically organize training and events to connect the publishers and advertisers


  • Direct deposits only or Payoneer. No PayPal
  • Terms and conditions are a little confusing
  • Need Advertiser’s approval to get started

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By sandra.marees

Sandra is a content strategist at Spectrum Voice and has a keen interest in technology and sports. She absolutely enjoys educating people out of her experience. She is constantly writing to enable her readers to achieve their set goals in SEO, Content Marketing, Influencer Marketing, PPC, SMM and Affiliate Marketing.

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