Thought For the Day: Internet and Innovation should have no boundaries
iPhone Tricks You Never Knew

iPhones are great because they so feature-packed. Out of the box, everything runs smoothly and it seems like you can do anything with your iPhone. That’s why you use it so much.

Unless your phone is broken in some way and you need iPhone repair, you might even be reading this article from your iPhone. How about that! There are some hidden tricks and hacks that even you might not be aware of, and we’re going to share them here:

1. Juice up Your iPhone Faster

If you need your phone to charge quickly when you are pressed for time, turn on Airplane Mode. This will pause the background noise that tends to drain the battery as it charges – for example GPS roaming and random notifications. A little can go a long way here.

2. Browse Like A Ninja

Do you have a go-to website that you need to see in a hurry? While you type the URL into Safari, save a few seconds by holding down the period button on your iPhone’s keyboard. What this will do is pull up a list of URL endings, like .com, .co, even .edu, or .ie.

3. Drive Safely with Your iPhone

Did you know if you text and drive you are more impaired than someone who has just smoked marijuana? Texting and driving, or fooling around with your iPhone behind the wheel can be dangerous for you and others. Not to mention the tickets you can get if a cop sees you on your phone while you are driving…

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Go to Settings > Do Not Disturb and switch on Do Not Disturb While Driving. It will keep notifications and texts from tempting you to check your phone, and can send customized responses to people you specify.

4. Tell Siri What’s Up

Siri’s one smart cookie, but she’s not foolproof. If she says something incorrectly, like an address or name, iPhone gives you the opportunity to correct her. Just respond with “That’s not how you pronounce…X.” Siri will ask you for the right way to pronounce your name or address back.

Tell her, and she will repeat it back to you to make sure she has gotten it right.

5. Know Who is Calling Without Having to Check

If your iPhone is buried in your purse or pocket and you’re receiving a phone call, don’t despair – you can still know who is calling without having to check on your iPhone. Go to Contacts, choose a friend, and select edit.

Where it says Ringtone select the word Default – this will take you to a new menu of options including vibration. Choose this setting and personalize notifications for particular contacts.

6. Know What Your iPhone Knows About You

Every step you take, every move you make, your iPhone is watching you. Want proof? Head to Settings, then Privacy, then Location Services, System Services, and finally Frequent Locations. Here you’ll see the places you’ve been along with how much time you spent there.

The privacy-minded will want to turn this “feature” off by selecting “Clear History” then swiping left on the Frequent Locations tab.

7. Zoom in Quickly

There’s a secret setting disabled by default in the Accessibility tab of your Settings app. Peek Zoom. This feature allows you to zoom into any screen in your iPhone by pressing hard on the screen. If you lessen your force on the display, the screen will then zoom out.

The zoom is controlled with the Zoom Controller, which will appear when the Zoom and Show Controller is turned on.

To begin using this, go to Settings, then General, Accessibility, Zoom, and then switch on Zoom and Show Controller.

8. Set a Music Timer

Are you waking up at 3 AM with your music still playing? Your iPhone’s timer can turn off the music whenever you would like. Go to Clock, Timer, When TImer Ends and select the “Stop Playing” option. Choose the amount of time you want your music to play for. Your iPhone will turn off your music automatically on both Spotify and Apple Music when your time runs out.

9. Erase Texts By Shaking Your Hand

Do you have an issue with compulsive texting? Just sent a text you’d rather take back? To quickly erase what you just typed before hitting send, shake your phone and tap on “Undo Typing.” If you want it back, simply shake your phone again and select “Redo Typing” to make the text reappear.

10.Locate the Hidden Track Pad

You can move your text cursor by holding down on whatever text you’d like until a tiny magnifying glass appears. This can be dragged to your desired spot.

Since 3D Touch, Apple includes an even better way to quickly select and move around a chunk of text.  Press down hard on your standard keyboard and the individual keys will disappear and turn grey, turning the surface into a digital trackpad.

Slide your thumb around the grey area to move the cursor. Press harder again, and you’ll be allowed to select text with the moving cursor.

If you highlight an incorrect word – don’t worry – just release your pressure slightly without lifting your finger. Push harder to deselect.

11.Take Back Calculator Accidents

If you’ve entered the wrong number on your calculator app after doing a number of calculations don’t despair – you won’t have to start all over again. Just swipe to the right or left to delete what you have just typed.

12.Picture and Video Hacks

You can take a one-handed photo easily – all you need to do is plug in a pair of headphones and hit volume. Your iPhone will capture a picture.

You can also take a picture and video at the same time. Press the shutter icon that is located next to the video button. Be forewarned: the photo will be taken by the video camera, so it won’t turn out as high-quality as the iPhone images you are used to if you take a picture this way.

13.Actually Use the Compass

Swipe left in the Compass app and you will find a tool that is actually practical – a digital spirit level. You can use this to straighten out picture frames and more.

14.Make a Call with One Button

Fumbling around your contact list to find the last person that you called is a waste of time. All you need to do to call the last person you spoke to is to tap the green button – your phone will redial the last number you called.

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By Venessa Cade

Venessa Cade is a writer by choice and digital marketing consultant with experience of working with various startups in the past 8 years. She has helped many online businesses and can proudly claim a big part in their success story. When she is not working which is not often, you will see her watching cooking shows nonstop – thanks to reliable AT&T service! Yes, her second passion is cooking.

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