Thought For the Day: Internet and Innovation should have no boundaries
Marketing Strategies

The pandemic has confined most of us to our houses. It has asked a vast working population to sit at home and forget the routine they were so used to. It has made us all change our lifestyles and filled us with a sense of fear, uncertainty, and unproductiveness.

The pandemic has shut a lot of businesses. But this pandemic can also be taken up as an opportunity by a lot of companies to make the competition work in their favor. One can successfully run a business while sitting at home, and the pandemic is providing just that opportunity. It can be a daunting task in the beginning, but here are some strategies to help you:


This is the first step to get going in the pandemic. Since the consumers cannot get out for their needs and are stuck at their homes to their devices, one will have to make sure that they can reach you with that same device.

Going online will also be helpful for new businesses in the long run. And even if a company has been running for a long time, it’s never too late to go online. The lockdown provides an opportunity to even those businesses that have an online presence but haven’t done a lot to shine out.


Social media platforms provide huge audiences. For a business to have a very engaging social media presence is a plus point. It helps them connect with the kind of audience they are looking for and vice versa. It will help promote their website and business. Regular posts on new, essential products or sales and discounts will garner a lot of attention.

3. RUN ADS: 

Running ads on social media platforms is a must. The promotion of products gets comfortable, and it can give you an upper-hand in the market against your competition. Make the ads appealing and user friendly. Run them on Facebook and Google, so that they are easily visible for the masses as these are the most widely used platforms.


Change and adapt according to needs. Lockdown has kept us locked in our houses. One doesn’t need a product that they would use in the world outside while they are sulking in their home and are being consumed by the uncertainty of upliftment of this lockdown.

The promotion of something like hats or umbrellas will be of very little use for the apparel business. Things that one will probably use a lot at home and might require a long time will make your business stay afloat.


One really can’t possibly go out to buy things that they do not deem as necessary. So, any business that comes in this category can opt to provide this service. It will at least keep the sales up for the time being. Eventually, it is about surviving this lockdown until things get better.

Even these businesses can profit a lot from their presence on the internet.


The lockdown has made everyone skeptical and paranoid. To get to the masses, one will have to have an appealing approach. Good discounts on essential services will boost sales. A lot of households might be in a financial crunch, and a good deal will always catch attention and probably will make the sale.


This particular period asks for the businesses to be responsible and take care of their costumers’ well-being. Sanitization or no contact delivery are a must and need to be promoted by the firms. It will be beneficial for both the employee and the consumer.


Online businesses will have their previous costumers on their mail listings. It is an excellent time to send promotional emails about new products, facilities, and options the company is trying to provide during the pandemic. It will possibly help in garnering some attention from a loyal customer that has happened to come across their mailbox.


If a business promises and promotes vouchers and coupons, they can see a steady business even after the pandemic. One could give them away to be availed after the lockdown is uplifted. Usually, these are a perfect marketing strategy as they bring in new customers. An advertisement on any social media platform or an app can help.


For businesses based on consultation, switching to video conferences will keep them occupied with their work in this pandemic. Scheduling appointments and conducting sessions will get more comfortable with the help of tons of tools one can find online. It could include legal consultation, fitness classes, or just any other business that needs an interface to contact their employees or directly the customers.


The internet is filled with tools to help one in their business ventures. It can even provide businesses the services they would need to keep their business afloat. It can provide them with analytical tools, promotion tools, SEO optimization tools, and the list is endless. There are even portals that help businesses understand how to use these tools. And one will have to make use of all of these.

The pandemic has shut down many businesses that were solely based offline and needed more of a physical presence than one online. But it’s not at all bad for any business to go online. The more their online presence, the more sales. The pandemic will hook the general population to their mobile devices. And it is uncertain for how long. So, businesses must adapt and conquer the market when the opportunity is presenting itself. And if the companies are new, it’s an excellent time to take advantage and explore the world online. Make a presence and dominate the market in the long run. 


Abhyank Srinet holds a Masters in Management degree from ESCP Europe & has an engineering degree with a specialization in Instrumentation & Control. His interest in the digital landscape motivated him to create an online startup for Masters in Management application consulting (MiM-Essay), focused on spreading quality information about the MiM degree & performing application consulting services for clients. He is the chief consultant of the company and takes care of the Business Development and Digital Marketing side of the company. 

He is very passionate about writing and marketing.

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