Thought For the Day: Internet and Innovation should have no boundaries
Upskilling in the Digital Age

Technology is advancing more than ever. It is important to understand how to harness the power of technology to improve your career prospects. You need to be skillful to be as attractive as Frontier bundle deals. Otherwise, potential employers won’t notice you at all. With more skills up your sleeves, you can branch out to your target audience in a commanding way.

According to a survey conducted by CareerBuilder, 67% of the employers are concerned about the growing skills gap. 55% of the ones surveyed have seen a negative impact on their organization because of extended job vacancies. These vacancies have created productivity issues, revenue losses, and voluntary turnover. The survey also shows that encouraging employees to upskill actually helps retain them. They grow and that also helps the company grow in the long run.

The tide of digital transformation waits for no one. In order to thrive, you need to start learning today. Otherwise, you will stay behind. If you need a reminder, these 10 reasons explain why upskilling is important in the digital age:

#1: Competitive Advantage

Because of a shortage of digital talent, it’s not just the employee, the organization suffers as well. Your skillset becomes redundant over time. Years of experience along with an upskill in your field will make you a competitive candidate. It is in your best interest to keep on upgrading your skills as new technologies emerge.

#2: More Productivity

The productivity of a candidate goes down if they are not on the same page as the organization with respect to technology. All employers these days are looking for employees who have technical skills. Why? Because digital upskilling helps them perform their job in a better way.

#3: Reduced Employee Retention

60 percent of the companies are unable to find qualified candidates for filling open positions. They are in search of candidates with the latest skills. To fill this gap and enable the organization to reach its full capacity, organizations must encourage their workforce to learn new skills time and again. This will eliminate the need for hiring new employees. The available resources could be put to use. It will be a win-win for both the organization as well as the employees.

#4: More Employee Engagement

Upskilling is a great way of engaging employees and making them feel they are a part of something good. It motivates them to give their best at work. 84 percent of the employees in the best performing organizations are the ones who receive regular training.

#5: Diversification of Skills

Upskilling means you are adding new skills to your portfolio. When a candidate has more skills up his sleeves, they can take more responsibilities. At the same time, it will support their career progression. You can never go wrong with diversified skills.

#6: Better Employee Morale

Underachieving and unsupported employees are the ones who are the unhappiest. When they aren’t satisfied with their own work, they underperform. With training, they don’t just get job satisfaction but job security. And a satisfied employee is one with the highest morale. Such a candidate can contribute towards the success and development of an organization.

#7: Fewer Mistakes

If an employee makes mistakes, this doesn’t just result in loss of time but money as well. However, if the employees are trained and skillful, fewer errors will occur. They will perform their job efficiently and the company won’t have to bear additional costs because of that.

#8: Better Management

Training is an effective tool for planning and control. It prepares the employees in handling their jobs well. It also reduces the cost of supervision and industrial accidents. Overall, employee productivity increases.

#9: Discovery of New Passions

When you are placed in a situation where you expose yourself to new skills, chances are you end up finding something that you love. When that happens, you may ignite a new passion inside which you didn’t even know exist. Upskilling is beneficial for a person not just professionally but personally as well.

#10: Meet Like-Minded People

It is not what you know, it is who you know. You will hear this phrase time and again. When it comes to upskilling, it helps you in both the aspects stated above. When you learn new skills and work on yourself to become better, you meet new people. You are placed in situations where you network. As your network increases, it will help you find better job opportunities in the future.

Not to forget, when you find like-minded people, they inspire you to do well. Surrounding yourself with such positive energy is great for your wellbeing.

What Now?

Digital skills must not be considered a vanity exercise. In fact, they are no longer the “nice to have” skill on your resume. You must give choosing these skills a proper thought because it’s directly linked with having a bright career. You wouldn’t switch to Frontier FiOS Internet without prior evaluation, right? The same is true in this situation. Before you upskill, it is important that you figure out in what skills do gaps exist. Only then you will truly gain an advantage from upskilling.

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