Thought For the Day: Internet and Innovation should have no boundaries

If you are a website or a blog owner, you know the importance of engagement on your website. Engagement is vital for improving a site’s SEO because search engines consider it a crucial factor in their ranking algorithms.

The following are some of the significant points you can incorporate to increase engagement in the year 2021 and the upcoming years without compromising user experience.

  • Introduce Quiz
  • Introduce games
  • Conducts polls and surveys
  • Internal link building
  • Display related substance
  • Simplify your website navigation/routing
  • Choose your composing style
  • Study your crowd
  • Add a search box to your website
  • Collect email addresses
  • Discounts and Offer
  • Create competition( Take exams and award a participating certificate)

1.Introduce Quiz

A quiz is an engagement magnet and can stick users on a website. While working at my previous company, we have tried quizzes to retain visitors to the website. It was pretty fruitful, and later on, we even converted from quiz participants.

2.Introduce games

You might have seen the Godzilla or a dinosaur game where mini dinosaur is jumping and clearing its hurdles on chrome browser. This strategy is perhaps able to stick us on to the chrome browser while we have a stable internet connection.

Credits: Chrome Browser

People are so picky, and due to this, if your website is not entertaining, they might bounce from your website or bowser.

3. Conducts polls and surveys

Do not confuse between polls with the election exit polls as they are so uncommon. Instead, focus on creating polls and surveys your website content relates. For instance, this blog discusses educational material discussing SEO, SEM, SMM, Email Marketing, so I would like to create polls on the same subject.

4. Internal link building

As well as boosting your SEO positioning, a decent internal link building will effectively empower clients to explore your site. Then, at that point, you’ll have the option to create more site hits with every guest and diminishing the bounce rate.

Finally, have a go at utilizing critical anchor texts to link with other related content on your site. 

Brian Dean, in his blog Backlinko has an excellent article illustrating some broad rules for these. Yet, the fundamentals are: 

Connections ought to have an engaging anchor text, 

They ought to be explicit and hyper-applicable 

They should head off to someplace new (otherwise known as not to someplace effectively got to from your essential nav.) 

If you have a beneficial substance piece worth featuring, you can likewise specify “Read Also/Recommended for You” joins in the post. 

5.Display related substance 

This site client commitment tip is somewhat like inside connecting. Show important posts toward the finish of each page. It assists guests with discovering related posts on the off chance that they require more data about the subject they were at first perusing. 

6.Simplify your website navigation/routing 

Imagine a scenario where loads of your site guests leave since they’re not able to discover something. 

Numerous sites are too hard even to consider exploring, bringing about a high bounce rate and helpless site client commitment. Instead, improve and re-arrange your website navigation structure so clients can discover the page they need without a lot of exertion. 

7.Choose your composing style. 

Your way of composing can affect your site client commitment by deciding how users react to your substance. What works for one crowd base probably won’t function admirably with another. There are two transcendent composing styles on the Internet – an agreeable, accommodating conversational tone and a more proper expert tone. 

Most sites select to utilize the previous style – from peculiar and fun educational sites like Buzzfeed to famous Internet advertising locales. Nonetheless, the conventional tone might be better for business sites giving more extreme substance. 

Picking a brand voice can not just assist you in withdrawing your clients—it can help with separating you from your opposition and assemble trust among your crowd. In case you’re expecting to find out additional, Distilled has an incredibly profound plunge. 

8.Study your crowd 

Gain understanding into the inclinations and upsides of your crowd by leading a review. It will assist you with making content that your objective gathering can genuinely draw in with. First, ask them inquiries about what they like and what they anticipate from you. Then, see whether they feel you come up short on specific plan highlights or content inclusion. 

Your criticism will show where you need improvement for better site client commitment. I propose utilizing software tools like Survey Monkey for adding surveys constantly to your site. Whatever your review is about, ensure you keep questions short and basic. Try not to take a lot of your guests’ experience with extensive studies. 

A couple of alternative approaches to more readily become acquainted with your crowd: 

As far as personal exploration—this is probably the smartest choice. It’s in a real sense conversing with your crowd, creating reports, and drawing out a ton of vital and nuanced information on how they cooperate with your image. 

Client Testing. You should perceive how website visitors associate with your site—where their road obstructions are, what’s befuddling, and how you can all the more likely work together with your clients. 

Live Chat Transcripts. Perusing back your live visit questions is an extraordinary method to recognize pain points. Guests will reveal to you when they can’t discover what they’re searching for. It is a simple method to tune in. 

9.Add a search box to your website. 

An excessive number of sites fail to understand the situation. Isn’t it a touch too amusing to even think about looking for the inquiry box? 

A few groups visit your site to discover something explicit. In case they’re puzzled about how to find that, they will leave. Connect with your guests by permitting them to perceive what they’re searching for without any problem. Add a noticeable inquiry box that clients can rapidly situate to find explicit substance. 

You’ve presumably seen that most sites have their inquiry box on the upper left. So clients, by and large, expect the inquiry box to be situated there. Adding highlights like a drop-down menu or an auto-recommend part could help site client commitment.

10.Collect email addresses 

Site client commitment isn’t just about drawing in with another guest once. It additionally concerns your capacity to drive guests back to your site. You can do this by gathering their email address, which you can use for sending new and fresh content. 

In any case, you could put a membership structure on your site’s sidebar. Adding a select box toward the finish of posts could likewise connect with guests after they’ve entirely engaged in your substance. For instance, many blogs have a membership structure at the lower part of their blog entries. 


Discounts, whether it’s festive or an early bird, act as a catalyst in conversion. Engagement should drive results and conversions. Discounts and offers make your visitors stick to your website.

12.Create rivalry( Take tests and award a participation certificate)

You have to create a healthy rivalry among your website visitors to keep them engaged. Then, you can offer courses to your website visitors and award a participation certificate.

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By Andy Hudson

Andy Hudson is a digital marketing enthusiast. His work is featured on many reputed magazines and often associated with digital marketing and social media. He also has a handsome experience in SEO and internet marketing.

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